Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 7 Report 4

Wednesday, July 08, 08:46 pm

Fantastic evening again. 20 knots of breeze coming from 050 degree,
swell of 10-15 feet. We are still progressing on starboard tack under
spinnaker R2. Sky mostly clear this afternoon, now we are in a little
squall and Rob, Rossi and JT are taking their shower ;-). The wind is
currently picking up at 25 and the speedo does not go under 15 … sounds
fun up there. We all enjoyed the home made dinner again, it was
spaghetti Bolognese. The boat is in great shape and ready for the second
half of the race. The multiple peels between R2 and R3 made me go at the
top of the mast at multiple occasions … I stopped counting. I hope to
get 1 or 2 hours of sleep before I go back on deck, ear plugs will be
needed as the sound of the water against the hull is getting load.



  1. Dago - Congrats on following the "Slot Car" track very close to 140 WLo x 25NLa. You can hold them off to the South. As you calculated, they need to put 2 kts. of boat speed COG to the finish to beat you. If they do that, why the hell are they in your class?? What are they, a Melges 50? Best from Leroy and 'The Queen'. As Chris says - "Focus".

  2. John,
    Mom and Jutta and I did our part and went to the beach today and gave some rum to the Sea gods, only the best, So hopfully that will help with faster winds. Then we had just a little bit to. Didn.t want the seagods to drink by it self. Had a great day, But still missing you like crazy. Glad you enjoyed what we got you guys.
    Keep up DOING WHAT YOU GUYS LOVE TO DO SAIL FAST and WIN this thing!!! Can't make the dock babe but sure will be there with open arms on Wednesday to see you. Hello to the whole Crew everybody is looking great!!
    See you soon, ROCK ON!!!!!!!!! Your Nay

  3. JB and Crew,
    Great work so far! We're following your progress daily. Enjoy the race. Fair winds and following seas.

    Mike and Team

  4. JB and Crew,
    Great work so far! Enjoying reading about your adventures. The team and I are following your progress daily. Enjoy the rest of the race. Fair winds and following seas!

    Mike and Team

  5. Damn computers, I don't know if your getting these comments or not. Good thing you left me in charge of your business while your gone. Work has been steady. I haven"t fired anyone, yet. Ted, don"t let your new picture book be a distraction from your sailing duties. Good luck the remainder of your trip.

    ps: andrew wishes he was there
